Monday, July 19, 2010

TDFA Play-offs for 09/10 season get underway

Play-off's of the TDFA 09/10 season started yesterday at Century Grounds, Shahad.
Top four teams of the both the pools of the senior division are playing for the cup.

Results of the matches conducted on 18th July'10 are:
NFS 3-1 Angels
Youngstars 9-0 Football lovers

Next weekends fixtures will be updated at the earliest.


  1. hi..
    plz let me know as to when the new TDFA season will start. I have been unable to contact Salim sir for the same information. thnks
    Yatin (MEFC)

  2. Hi Yatin,

    We will post the detailed schedule of the next season of TDFA on the blog as well as the website (which is under development).
    All the team representatives will be called for a pre-season meeting and next season and website details will be discussed.

    Till that time, please follow tdfa blogs constantly and be updated.

    TDFA Committee

  3. thank you very much. Looking forward to the next season ...
